CBD for New Year Fitness Resolution

Using CBD for your New Year Fitness Resolution
Just before the New Year and after our Christmas celebrations indulgence new years fitness resolutions seem to be the theme. Of those surveyed, the most popular new years resolutions made in 2020 opted to exercise more (50%) of us.
Increasing fitness activities as a new year resolution this 2021 seems to follow the same theme. However, according to yougov, nearly a quarter of Britons who made a resolution for 2020 failed to keep any of their promises. But, what if you could use CBD to help with your new year fitness resolution to stay on track?
Using CBD for Fitness
As a post recovery tool CBD is known to support and aid the body in a variety of ways. There have been a number of benefits of CBD oil for athletes. It has been known to aid in reducing inflammation to help with post exercise when muscles need to recover. There is small research to suggest that CBD reduces inflammation by affecting endocannabinoid receptors in our body.
It’s known that some bodybuilders use CBD as part of nutritional training or, pre-workout. Having a good nights rest before any work out can assist with performance when using the gym or running for example. Using CBD which is formulated to promote quality sleep can help improve fitness performance.
There are a selection of products with CBD to assist with fitness sport and wellness. From CBD muscle rubs, CBD performance multi-vitamin oils to HempWell Cooling muscle and joint cream and many others. The most effective use of CBD for athletes is the anti-inflammatory properties as mentioned earlier.
CBD Used by Pro Atheletes
In June 2021 the NFL doctor stated that cannabis may be ‘more risky’ than some think. As more professional athletes are turning to cannabis to help manage pain it is hitting the headlines. His concerns have included the small percentage of study and the purity and potency of cannabis products and those interacting with other drugs that the players may take.
We welcome the approach of the NFL (National Football League) bringing CBD under scrutiny. Although it is American, it is not long before someone in the UK will ask the same questions. Why we agree to sounding out what has been said is because up until now, the studies that have taken place have been small and favourable. The $1 million to fund cannabis research for pain relief is most welcomed. It would be a good approach to have larger studies to show the positive results that we have seen in many, as long as they were on par with studies that they do with over the counter medicine.
With regards to the potency and purity that Dr Kevin Hill mentioned - again this is another welcoming approach that should be used. At The Hemp Hacienda we always encourage looking for certified and legal sellers of CBD.
This new year, if your resolution is to keep fit and you want something to help your pre or post fitness, have a look at the delightful products in the fitness, health and wellness range by The Hemp Hacienda.
Our products contain 0% THC, which means that there is no ‘high’. Prior to taking CBD and hemp products please consult your healthcare provider. At the Hemp Hacienda we like to keep our visitors informed and be part of a natural health alternative community to over the counter medication. So happy new year and we hope using CBD as part of your New Years Resolution helps accelerate your achievements.