15% OFF CBD Benefit Scheme
Get up to 15% off the CBD range at The Hemp Hacienda.
Here at The Hemp Hacienda we appreciate how much more difficult this year has been for many of us which is why we would like to offer vital assistance for people in receipt of state benefits for a period of 3 months at a time.
We are totally committed to improving the well-being of all our customers. We are also aware that the price point on many of our products make them a luxury or out of reach for a lot of people.
So, we have launched a scheme available to anyone in receipt of state benefits to reduce the cost of our products. To take advantage of this offer, simply drop us an email with a photo of some proof that you are in receipt of benefit. This evidence could be a letter from the benefits agency, or maybe a payment book, or section of a bank statement; anything that can verify you are eligible under our scheme to receive the discount. This will be reviewed every 3 months and as long as people can prove they are still in receipt of those benefits, they will continue to receive the discount.
We take your privacy very seriously and will delete all records of proof once we have approved you for the scheme, and at each 3-month renewal.
If you would like to find out more, or apply for your discount, please email us in confidence at admin@thehemp-hacienda.co.uk
We reserve the right to withdraw someone’s eligibility for our discount scheme if we believe they are abusing the system, such as bulk buying for re-sale for example, or any other way that exploits the spirit of the discount.
If the scheme needs to end for any other reason, we will notify all eligible customers at least 28 days in advance of our intention to withdraw the discount.