What Is The Difference Between Hemp and CBD?

With so many terms for Hemp and CBD and the products containing it, understanding what the difference between hemp and CBD can be a little confusing at times. But not to worry, we’re here to clear up any confusion.
What is Hemp?
Hemp is one of the names given to cannabis which has grown in popularity over recent years as it has less negative interpretation than is associated with using the terms ‘Cannabis’ or ‘Marijuana’.
Scientifically, hemp, cannabis, and marijuana are the same plants. There are estimated to be over 700 different types of cannabis plant, also referred to as ‘strains’, the most widely used and known are cannabis sativa and cannabis indica.
Cannabis Indica contains a higher level of CBD and is identifiable by its dark leaves and shorter plant growth pattern; Cannabis Sativa contains a higher level of THC, and the plants grow taller than Indica plants with thinner paler leaves. These two main subspecies have been cross-reared to create ‘hybrid’ varieties produced to offer a tailor-made combination of chemical and physical properties.
Marijuana used for its THC will often vary from 8-20% THC content by weight. In this concentration THC binds with receptors in the brain to provide a psychoactive effect, or a sensation of being high. THC can cause problems with concentration, memory, paranoia, and nausea which is why many people wishing to benefit from using hemp as part of a healthy lifestyle choose to avoid these products.
Hemp is any form of the cannabis plants with less than 0.3% THC content by weight. This trace THC content will not create the same psychoactive effects. Some CBD products, such as ours, are made from hemp strains containing no THC at all. With the Hemp Hacienda, we have a range of products available with 0% THC, vegan, non GMO, organic and no pesticides.
It is not possible to tell the chemical composition of the sub-strains of different cannabis plants purely by looking at their physical characteristics, therefore, it is important to ensure you source your hemp or CBD products from a reputable supplier that can prove any assurances to the integrity of the product you are buying. Ultimately, the distinction between different hemp strains is a legal one based on the content of THC (the chemical that causes the feelings of euphoria, or “high”).
Hemp plants are fast growing and produce high yields which makes them suitable for a wide range of market uses. The fibres and chemical extracts from hemp plants are widely used to produce a diverse range of products for commercial and industrial use; textiles, clothing, food supplements, bioplastics, insulation for buildings, and biofuel are just some of the many uses for the plant material that can be provided to industry through environmentally sustainable and ecologically viable farming practice.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the many complex chemicals found within cannabis plants. However, CBD does not cause a high, and doesn’t have the same unwanted side effects that THC can provide. Instead, CBD helps to promote feelings of calm and provide relief for conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. It is also believed to help with conditions such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis where pain and inflammation detrimentally affect the day-to-day life of the sufferer. CBD is also used at a pharmaceutical-grade level of production for treating some severe forms of epilepsy in children.
Advantages of Using CBD from Responsibly Farmed Hemp Sources.
CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it may help with skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. It is also believed to assist in the reduction of sebum production, the oily substance which contributes to acne.
Pain relief and trouble sleeping
Cannabis has been used to treat pain for almost 5000 years, it is believed to have been first used in China. CBD has also been used to improve the quality of sleep for some people with Parkinson’s disease. It is understood that this works by CBD binding to receptors in the brain which help to maintain the body’s functions of sleep and pain. An oral spray containing CBD has been found to be effective in treating pain associated with multiple sclerosis with many people noticing an improvement of their pain levels, walking ability, and muscle spasms.
Anxiety and depression
In some studies, CBD has been proven to act as an antidepressant in mice. This may be due to CBD’s ability to connect to the receptors in the brain meant for reacting to serotonin, the chemical which causes happiness and optimism. This could mean CBD is capable of replacing medical marijuana containing THC where it is used, without some of the unwelcome side effects that come with it
Strokes and heart attacks
High blood pressure can cause strokes and heart attacks. CBD has been indicated by some studies to help combat high blood pressure; this is thought to be connected to CBD’s anxiety reducing effects. Studies have shown that CBD can help to reduce or prevent damage to the heart in some cases of diabetes.
Substance misuse
In one study, CBD has also been shown to reduce heroin addiction symptoms in rats, indicating it can be used to help people with substance abuse problems to move away from their addictions and live healthier and happier lives.
If you plan to use any CBD products to help combat any of the conditions discussed above, we recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider. This is especially important if you are currently on medications, especially those with ‘grapefruit warnings’, as they can interact and cause negative side effects. Your doctor will know best what an appropriate dosage for your circumstances are, and you can find our quick guide to CBD dosage.